Protecting Whales from Ships

Python Spatial Analysis

The goal of this assignment was to create a method to determine the outline of a speed reduction zone and its effect on the local marine traffic for Dominica.

Joe DeCesaro true


The goal of this assignment was to create a method to determine the outline of a speed reduction zone and its effect on the local marine traffic for Dominica. The speed reduction zone encompasses the preferred habitat of the local sperm whales. This area was approximated as areas of frequent whale sightings off the coast.

# libraries for the assignment:
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

Dominica outline

We downloaded the country outline into the notebook.

fp = "data/dominica/dma_admn_adm0_py_s1_dominode_v2.shp"

dom_outline = gpd.read_file(fp)

dom_outline = dom_outline.to_crs("EPSG:4602")

We plot the outline for exploration.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3), dpi = 200)
dom_outline.plot(ax = ax, 
                 color = "darkgreen")

ax.set_title("Dominica Outline")
Text(94.618846252753, 0.5, 'Latitude')

Whale sighting data

First, we read in the data and projected it into an appropriate CRS.

fp_whales = "data/sightings2005_2018.csv"

whales = gpd.read_file(fp_whales)

geometry = gpd.points_from_xy(whales.Long, whales.Lat, crs = "EPSG:4326")
whales_geom = whales.set_geometry(geometry)

Next we convert the geometries from degrees to meters.

whales_geom = whales_geom.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

dom_outline = dom_outline.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

Create a sampling grid

Making the point observations into a habitat region.

xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = whales_geom.total_bounds

length = 2000
wide = 2000

cols = list(np.arange(xmin, xmax + wide, wide))
rows = list(np.arange(ymin, ymax + length, length))

polygons = []
for x in cols[:-1]:
    for y in rows[:-1]:
        polygons.append(Polygon([(x,y), (x+wide, y), (x+wide, y+length), (x, y+length)]))
grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry':polygons})
fp_grid = "grid.shp"

grid = gpd.read_file(fp_grid)
grid = grid.set_crs("EPSG:2002")
grid = grid.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

Plotting the grid to make sure it looks how we expected.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=200)

grid.plot(ax = ax, 
          facecolor = "none", 
          lw = 0.1)

Extract the whale habitat

Now we spatially joined the grid we made in the previous step with our sighting data to count the number of sightings in each cell.

grid_join = grid.sjoin(whales_geom, how = "inner")
grid['count'] = grid_join.groupby(grid_join.index).count()['index_right']
grid = grid.loc[(grid['count'] > 20)]

Create a convex hull

We used unary_union to create a Multipolygon containing the union of all geometries in the GeoSeries

speed_zone = grid.unary_union
speed_zone = gpd.GeoSeries(speed_zone)
speed_zone = speed_zone.convex_hull

The plot above is now our habitat zone. Next we added it to the Dominica outline.

speed_zone = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry':speed_zone}, crs = 2002)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10), dpi = 200)
dom_outline.plot(ax = ax, 
                 color = "darkgreen")
speed_zone.plot(ax = ax, 
                color = "lightyellow", 
                edgecolor = "black", 
               alpha = 0.5)
ax.set_title("Dominica Outline and Sperm Whale Habitat")
Text(364.48357887628714, 0.5, 'Latitude')

There is some overlap from the outline of Dominica and the habitat but that is fine for our calculations. Next we will upload the vessel data.

Vessel Data

Using the Automatic Identification System (AIS) we loaded the vessel data.

fp_vessels = "data/station1249.csv"

vessels = gpd.read_file(fp_vessels)

geometry = gpd.points_from_xy(vessels.LON, vessels.LAT, crs = "EPSG:4326")
vessels_geom = vessels.set_geometry(geometry)
vessels_geom = vessels_geom.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

Next we explored the datatypes to make sure they are what we expected.

field_1        object
MMSI           object
LON            object
LAT            object
TIMESTAMP      object
geometry     geometry
dtype: object

The ‘TIMESTAMP’ data is not in datetime formatting so we changed it.

vessels_geom['TIMESTAMP'] = pd.to_datetime(vessels_geom['TIMESTAMP'], format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
field_1              object
MMSI                 object
LON                  object
LAT                  object
TIMESTAMP    datetime64[ns]
geometry           geometry
dtype: object

Setting up to calcute speed and distance

A few things needed to be done to make the necessary calculations: 1) Spatially subset vessel tracks within whale habitat 2) Sort the dataframe by MMSI and TIMESTAMP 3) Create a copy of the dataframe and shift each observation down one row using shift() and then join with the original dataset 4) Drop all rows in the joined dataframe in which the MMSI of the left is not the same as the one on the right. 5) Set the geometry column with the set_geometry() function

# 1) spatial subsetting
vessels_geom = vessels_geom.sjoin(speed_zone, how = "inner")
# 2) sorted the df by MMSI and TIMESTAMP
vessels_geom = vessels_geom.sort_values(by = ["MMSI", "TIMESTAMP"])
# 3) created a copy of our df and shifted down a row then joined back with original dataset
vs_geom_copy = vessels_geom.shift(1)

# joined back with original dataset
vessels_joined = vs_geom_copy.join(vessels_geom,
                                   how = "left",
                                  lsuffix = 'start',
                                  rsuffix = 'end')
# 4) Dropped rows where the MMSI did not match
vessels_joined_filt = vessels_joined[vessels_joined["MMSIstart"] == vessels_joined["MMSIend"]]
# 5) Set the geometry column
vessels_joined_filt = vessels_joined_filt.set_geometry("geometrystart")


  1. The distance for each observation to the next
  2. The time difference between each observation to the next
  3. The average speed between each observation to the next
  4. The time that the distance would have taken at 10 knots.
  5. The difference between the time that it actually took and how much it would have taken at 10 knots.
  6. Finally, sum up the extra time the 10 knots zone would have taken for all ships!
# 1) Distance between observations
vessels_joined_filt['distance'] = vessels_joined_filt['geometrystart'].distance(vessels_joined_filt['geometryend'])
# 2) Time difference between observations
vessels_joined_filt['time_diff'] = vessels_joined_filt['TIMESTAMPend'] - vessels_joined_filt['TIMESTAMPstart']
# 3) The average speed between each observation
vessels_joined_filt['avg_speed_m_s'] = vessels_joined_filt['distance']/vessels_joined_filt['time_diff'].dt.total_seconds()
# 4) Time that the distance would have taken at 10 knots.
# 10 knot = 5.1444 m/s
kts_10 = 5.1444
vessels_joined_filt['time_10kts_tot_s'] = (vessels_joined_filt['distance'] / kts_10)
# 5) Difference between the time that it actually took and time it would have taken at 10 knots
vessels_joined_filt['time_10kts_diff_hr'] = (vessels_joined_filt['time_10kts_tot_s'] - vessels_joined_filt['time_diff'].dt.total_seconds()) / (60 *60)

# Below is what the head() of the data looks like after adding the columns from these calculations
field_1start MMSIstart LONstart LATstart TIMESTAMPstart geometrystart index_rightstart field_1end MMSIend LONend LATend TIMESTAMPend geometryend index_rightend distance time_diff avg_speed_m_s time_10kts_tot_s time_10kts_diff_hr
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0 497.209041 0 days 00:02:30 3.314727 96.650541 -0.014819
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0 1373.116137 0 days 00:07:29 3.058165 266.914730 -0.050579
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0 995.792381 0 days 00:05:00 3.319308 193.568226 -0.029564
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0 323.533223 0 days 00:02:31 2.142604 62.890371 -0.024475
234972 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0.0 234972 203106200 -61.41851 15.24147 2015-02-25 15:54:49 POINT (461476.997 1684389.925) 0 430.317090 0 days 00:04:59 1.439188 83.647673 -0.059820
# 6) Final calculation
increased_time = vessels_joined_filt[vessels_joined_filt['time_10kts_diff_hr'] > 0] 
print("The increased travel time for the ship traffic is ", 
      round((increased_time['time_10kts_diff_hr'].sum())/24, 2),
     " days.")
The increased travel time for the ship traffic is  27.88  days.


For attribution, please cite this work as

DeCesaro (2021, Nov. 16). Joe DeCesaro: Protecting Whales from Ships. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {DeCesaro, Joe},
  title = {Joe DeCesaro: Protecting Whales from Ships},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}