Houston Blackout Analysis (February 2021)

R Spatial Analysis Remote Sensing

Using night light data from NASA’s Worldview to identify residences in the Houston metropolitan area that lost power during the major blackout in February 2021.

Joe DeCesaro true

The Analysis

In this assignment for our Spatial Analysis class, we use remotely-sensed light data from NASA’s Worldview to identify residences in the Houston metropolitan area that lost power during the major blackout in February 2021. The goal of the analysis is to:

  1. Estimate how many residential buildings were without power on 2021/02/16?
  2. Is there a socioeconomic metric that predicts being affected by the power outage?

The data was specifically acquired from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi satellite. Using highways data from Open Street Map, residences within 200 meters of a major highway were excluded. Residence building count was based on Open Street Map’s buildings data. Lastly, a few socioeconomic indicators from census data is explored for correlations with likelihood of being impacted by the blackout.

Load Libraries

Show code

Function to Load the DNB Dataset from VNP46A1 Granules

Show code
read_dnb <- function(file_name) {
  # Reads the "DNB_At_Sensor_Radiance_500m" dataset from a VNP46A1 granule into a STARS object.
  # Then read the sinolsoidal tile x/y positions and adjust the STARS dimensions (extent+delta)

  # The name of the dataset holding the nightlight band in the granule
  dataset_name <- "//HDFEOS/GRIDS/VNP_Grid_DNB/Data_Fields/DNB_At_Sensor_Radiance_500m"

  # From the metadata, we pull out a string containing the horizontal and vertical tile index
  h_string <- gdal_metadata(file_name)[199]
  v_string <- gdal_metadata(file_name)[219]
  # We parse the h/v string to pull out the integer number of h and v
  tile_h <- as.integer(str_split(h_string, "=", simplify = TRUE)[[2]])
  tile_v <- as.integer(str_split(v_string, "=", simplify = TRUE)[[2]])

  # From the h/v tile grid position, we get the offset and the extent
  west <- (10 * tile_h) - 180
  north <- 90 - (10 * tile_v)
  east <- west + 10
  south <- north - 10

  # A tile is 10 degrees and has 2400x2400 grid cells
  delta <- 10 / 2400

  # Reading the dataset
  dnb <- read_stars(file_name, sub = dataset_name)

  # Setting the CRS and applying offsets and deltas
  st_crs(dnb) <- st_crs(4326)
  st_dimensions(dnb)$x$delta <- delta
  st_dimensions(dnb)$x$offset <- west
  st_dimensions(dnb)$y$delta <- -delta
  st_dimensions(dnb)$y$offset <- north

Load in the Satellite Data: tilenumber_mm_dd

Next we load the four tiles that give us a complete image of Houston on 2021-02-07 and 2021-02-16. We save the tiles under the naming convention tilenumber_mm_dd.

Show code
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021038.h08v05.001.2021039064328.h5"
t05_02_07 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)
Show code
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021038.h08v06.001.2021039064329.h5"
t06_02_07 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)
Show code
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021047.h08v05.001.2021048091106.h5"
t05_02_16 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)
Show code
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021047.h08v06.001.2021048091105.h5"
t06_02_16 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)

Combine Tiles by Day

st_mosaic() is used to combine the tiles for each day to provide a complete picture of Houston on each day, then we use rm() to clear the large original tiles.

Show code
combined_02_07 <- st_mosaic(t05_02_07, t06_02_07)

combined_02_16 <- st_mosaic(t05_02_16, t06_02_16)

rm(t05_02_07, t06_02_07, t05_02_16, t06_02_16)
           used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) limit (Mb) max used  (Mb)
Ncells  2823284 150.8    4537211 242.4         NA  4537211 242.4
Vcells 26971733 205.8   63966646 488.1      16384 61692780 470.7

Create a Blackout Mask

To create a blackout mask, we identify cells where the difference in DNB between 2021-02-07 and 2021-02-16 is greater than 200 nW cm^-2 sr^-1. Where the difference is less than this threshold, we assign a value of NA.

Show code
difference_mask <- (combined_02_07 - combined_02_16) > 200

difference_mask[difference_mask == FALSE] <- NA

          used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) limit (Mb) max used  (Mb)
Ncells 2824193 150.9    4537211 242.4         NA  4537211 242.4
Vcells 9693966  74.0   54104736 412.8      16384 67630920 516.0

Vectorize the Blackout Mask

We use st_as_sf() to vectorize the blackout mask and then st_make_valid() to repair the geometries of some of the polygons in the resulting vectorized mask.

Show code
difference_mask <- st_as_sf(difference_mask)

difference_mask <- st_make_valid(difference_mask)

Crop the Vectorized Mask with the Region of Interest (ROI)

We create a bounding box of the Houston metropolitan area and then give it a CRS of WGS 84 (for the time being).

Show code
roi = st_polygon(list(rbind(c(-96.5, 29), 
                            c(-96.5, 30.5), 
                            c(-94.5, 30.5), 
                            c(-94.5, 29), 
                            c(-96.5, 29))))

# plot(roi)

roi <- st_sfc(roi, crs = 4326)

Spatial Subsetting

Using our bounding box, we create a cropped difference mask by keeping only the values of the cells that intersect the bounding box, then we use st_transform() to give the cropped data a projected CRS of NAD83/Texas Centric Albers.

Show code
intersects <- st_intersects(difference_mask, roi, sparse = FALSE)
cropped = difference_mask[intersects,]

crs = st_crs(3083)
cropped = st_transform(cropped, crs)

          used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) limit (Mb)  max used   (Mb)
Ncells 3060540 163.5    4537211 242.4         NA   4537211  242.4
Vcells 4454639  34.0  110598994 843.9      16384 133455011 1018.2

Read in and Process the Roads Data

Function to Load the Doads Data from OpenStreetMap

We use the SQL query provided to us from the class to read in the data where the column fclass is “motorway” in the OSM roads dataset.

Show code
query_r <- "SELECT * FROM gis_osm_roads_free_1 WHERE fclass='motorway'"
highways <- st_read("data/gis_osm_roads_free_1.gpkg", query = query_r)
Reading query `SELECT * FROM gis_osm_roads_free_1 WHERE fclass='motorway'' from data source `/Users/Joe/Documents/Bren/Website/joedecesaro.github.io/_posts/2022-05-07-houston-blackout-analysis/data/gis_osm_roads_free_1.gpkg' 
  using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 6085 features and 10 fields
Geometry type: LINESTRING
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -96.50429 ymin: 29.00174 xmax: -94.39619 ymax: 30.50886
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Buffer the roads

Next, we use st_transform() to reproject the data to NAD83/Texas Centric Albers, then create a buffer of 200 m around the highways.

Show code

highways = st_transform(highways, crs)

highways_buffered = st_union(st_buffer(highways, dist = 200))

          used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) limit (Mb)  max used   (Mb)
Ncells 2916706 155.8    4537211 242.4         NA   4537211  242.4
Vcells 4284814  32.7   88479196 675.1      16384 133455011 1018.2

Read in and Process the Buildings Data

Function to Load the Buildings Data from OpenStreetMap

We use the SQL query provided to us in homework 2 to identify and read in the data where the type is NULL and name is NULL, or where the type is “residential”, “apartments”, “house”, “static_caravan”, or “detached” from the OSM buildings dataset to acquire data of residences in the Houston area.

Show code
query_b <- "SELECT * 
FROM gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1
OR type in ('residential', 'apartments', 'house', 'static_caravan', 'detached')"

residences <- st_read("data/gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1.gpkg", query = query_b)
Reading query `SELECT * 
FROM gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1
OR type in ('residential', 'apartments', 'house', 'static_caravan', 'detached')' from data source `/Users/Joe/Documents/Bren/Website/joedecesaro.github.io/_posts/2022-05-07-houston-blackout-analysis/data/gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1.gpkg' 
  using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 475941 features and 5 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -96.50055 ymin: 29.00344 xmax: -94.53285 ymax: 30.50393
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Reprojecting the Residences Data

Then, we use st_transform() to reproject the residences data in NAD83/Texas Centric Albers.

Show code
residences = st_transform(residences, crs)


Read in the Census tract data

We explore the available census data, then read in the census tract geometries data, as well as income data. We reproject the census tract geometries to NAD83/Texas Centric Albers, and subset the income data to keep the median income data.

Show code
# st_layers("data/ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS.gdb")

acs_geoms <- st_read("data/ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS.gdb",
                     layer = "ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS")
Reading layer `ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS' from data source 
  using driver `OpenFileGDB'
Simple feature collection with 5265 features and 15 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -106.6456 ymin: 25.83716 xmax: -93.50804 ymax: 36.5007
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
Show code
acs_geoms = st_transform(acs_geoms, crs)

acs_income <- st_read("data/ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS.gdb",
                      layer = "X19_INCOME")
Reading layer `X19_INCOME' from data source 
  using driver `OpenFileGDB'
Show code
median_income <- acs_income[c("GEOID", "B19013e1")]

           used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) limit (Mb)  max used   (Mb)
Ncells  6804540 363.5   15204982 812.1         NA  15204982  812.1
Vcells 26640844 203.3   70783357 540.1      16384 133455011 1018.2

Merge the Datasets

Merge the Night Lights Data, the Buffered Highways, and the Residences

We remove the buffered highways from the blacked out night lights data using st_difference(), then use st_intersects to find buildings within the blacked out night lights data that were affected by the blackout.

Show code
cropped_no_highways <- st_difference(cropped, highways_buffered)

affected_buildings <- residences[cropped_no_highways, op = st_intersects]

Merge the census tract geometries with the census income data

We use a left join to merge the census data with the census tract geometries, using their shared information in the columns GEOID_Data and GEOID.

Show code
acs_geom_income <- dplyr::left_join(acs_geoms, median_income, by = c("GEOID_Data" = "GEOID"))

           used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) limit (Mb)  max used   (Mb)
Ncells  6861241 366.5   15204982 812.1         NA  15204982  812.1
Vcells 27814783 212.3   70783357 540.1      16384 133455011 1018.2

Question 1: How many residential buildings were without power on 2021-02-16?

Question 2: Is there a socioeconomic metric that predicts being affected by the power outage?

First we map median income by census tracts with residences affected by the blackout:

Show code
#Bounding box and basemap
houston_bb <- st_bbox(roi)
houston_map <- osm.raster(houston_bb)

# tmap::tmap_mode(mode = "plot")
# #Creating the map
# tm_shape(houston_map) +
#   tm_rgb() +
#   tm_shape(acs_geom_income,
#            bbox = houston_bb) +
#   tm_polygons(col = "B19013e1",
#               title = "Median Income",
#               colorNA = "black",
#               style = "cont",
#               palette = "Blues") +
#   tm_shape(affected_buildings,
#            bbox = houston_bb) +
#   tm_polygons() + tm_style("col_blind") +
#   tm_layout(title = "Households Affected by Blackout and Median Income")

Note: the figure above was originally designed to be interactive but this was changed for this post due to excessive load times.

Figure 1. Exploratory map showing median household income by census tract (dark blue = high income), overlaid with locations of residences that lost power during the February blackout. Data is from Open Street Map and NASA’s Worldview.

That looks interesting but it’s hard to identify patterns. It does appear thata large cluster of homes in two census tracts in western Houston lost power. This is a extreme concentration of homes that lost power compared to other areas.Now we make a histogram of median income for all households in the Houston metropolitan area to compare with a histogram of median income for households impacted by the blackout:

Show code
residences_income <- st_join(residences, acs_geom_income, join = st_intersects)
Show code
impacted_residences_income <- residences_income[cropped_no_highways, op = st_intersects]
Show code
#All residences
histogram_residences_income <- ggplot(residences_income) +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = residences_income$B19013e1), bins = 100, fill = "darkblue") +
  labs(title = "All Houston Residences",
       x = "Median Household Income",
       y = "Count") +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_y_discrete(limits = c(5000,10000,15000,20000)) +
  ylim(c(0, 20000))

#Impacted residences
histogram_impacted_income <- ggplot(impacted_residences_income) +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = impacted_residences_income$B19013e1), bins = 100, fill = "darkblue") +
  labs(title = "Impacted Houston Residences",
       x = "Median Household Income",
       y = "Count") +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_y_discrete(limits = c(5000,10000,15000,20000)) +
  ylim(c(0, 20000))

histogram_residences_income + histogram_impacted_income

Figure 2. Histogram showing the number of homes by census tract median household income in the Houston metropolitan area (left) and the number of homes impacted during the blackout by census tract median household income (right). Data is from Open Street Map and NASA’s Worldview.

The impacted residences histogram shows relatively fewer low income households impacted compared to the density of low income households in the total area. Though the number of impacted high income households is lower than the total high income households, it appears to be relatively higher than impacted low income households. Interestingly, income may be positively correlated with likelihood of being impacted. However,this could be due to the aforementioned census tract areas where a large percent of houses lost power.


More than 150,000 residences lost power during the February blackout in the Houston area alone. This is likely an underestimate, as residences may have been excluded due to our highways buffer, interference in the satellite from clouds or other atmospheric differences, or due to our exclusion of cells where the difference was not greater than 200 nW cm^-2 sr^-1. The socioeconomic factor that we examined, median income, is not clearly correlated with likelihood of being impacted by the blackout, though there may be a slight positive correlation between income and likelihood. We also explored census race data for white only households but there was no obvious correlation between a household being white and likelihood of losing power. The race data exploration and download code was removed from this document so that the markdown was more streamlined and did not overburden the computers.However, other socioeconomic factors that we did not examine may have been more strongly correlated.


For attribution, please cite this work as

DeCesaro (2021, Oct. 24). Joe DeCesaro: Houston Blackout Analysis (February 2021). Retrieved from https://joedecesaro.github.io/posts/2022-05-07-houston-blackout-analysis/

BibTeX citation

  author = {DeCesaro, Joe},
  title = {Joe DeCesaro: Houston Blackout Analysis (February 2021)},
  url = {https://joedecesaro.github.io/posts/2022-05-07-houston-blackout-analysis/},
  year = {2021}